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IRS "Unclaimed Refund" Scam Mailing

 IRS Warns Taxpayers of New Scam Mailing

On July 3, 2023, the IRS issued a warning to taxpayers to be on the lookout for a new scam. This latest scam involves a mailing coming in a cardboard envelope from a delivery service. The enclosed letter includes the IRS masthead and wording that the notice is “in relation to your unclaimed refund.” Like many scams, the letter seeks sensitive information from the taxpayer – including detailed pictures of driver’s licenses – that can then be used by the thieves to try obtaining a tax refund or other sensitive financial information. These letters include contact information and a phone number that do not belong to the IRS. The letter does contain some warning signs such as awkwardly worded requests, odd punctuation, and other inaccuracies. However, we know that the letter being delivered by a service and saying it is from the IRS may make some people think it is real.

You can read the full IRS News Release here: https://www.irs.gov/newsroom/irs-security-summit-partners-warn-taxpayers-of-new-scam-unusual-delivery-service-mailing-tries-to-trick-people-into-sending-photos-bank-account-information

Kevin Zulch